1奥林匹克精神的内容是“相互理解友谊长久团结一致和公平竞争”2参和原则是奥林匹克精神的第一项原则3 国际奥委会在奥林匹克宪章中“奥林匹克主义的原则”条款中有这样一段话“每一个人都应享有从事;spread the spirit of olympic,creat a better world together。


Olympic spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play。



participating and winning, that#39s the spirit of the Olympic It#39s shown in cases where those who#39re weaker dare to challenge those who#39re stronger, and those who#39re stronger strive to be the strongest。


英语演讲绿色奥运,绿色北京,你我同行 Improving Beijing#39s environment for the Olympics Ladies and gentlemen Good morning! Today, the title of my speech is Improving Beijing#39s environment for the Olympics Have。